Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Time with our Children is Precious

'pre-cious: (adj.) (of an object, substance, or resource) Of great value; not to be wasted or treated carelessly.

I saw the saddest story in the news today. A little four-month-old baby boy passed away in his sleep. We hear about these things happening from time to time, and don't always stop to ponder the grief of the mother, the father, the family of the little one. But this story struck an even deeper, sadder chord with me. 

This baby died in a daycare facility.

Now, infant deaths do occur, many times for unknown causes, and pretty much anywhere, whether the child happens to be at home, with grandma, on vacation with the family... But the saddest of sad, to me, is that this one died among strangers. His mommy wasn't the last one to hold him, feed him, rock him to sleep. That sad thought is overwhelming. I do not mean to criticize this poor mother at all, because I do not know her reasons for leaving him there. But, to me, it is worth any sacrifice it takes to make the most of our time raising our babies, especially since we do not know how much (or how little) time we have.

Are any of us guaranteed another embrace? Of course not. Therefore our time with our children is very, very precious. 


Tori Leslie said...

We have them for such a short time and then they're grown or gone. Wow, we need to love them while we have them we sure don't know what tomorrow brings.
Happy Wednesday Tammy!

Jenifer Harrod said...

So true! I'm trying my best to be available to love.