Friday, July 13, 2012

I can love.

I can love the person who is difficult to love. How can I do that? Because love doesn't depend on how I feel. Love is a decision I make, to prefer another above myself, to be like my Father Who defines love.

If I do not love when someone is rude, or critical, or churlish, then my love is conditional, and is not like His. True love shines brightest when it is hardest to love.

Love bears and forebears. Love forgives. Love breaks down the barriers that pride builds. Love changes things, changes people.

I can love others who are difficult to love because... HE loves me.


Elizabeth said...

Such truth. It's hard, but so true! This also convicts me in parenting. When kids are sweet and pleasant, it is easy to show them love. But how is my reaction when they are cranky or have a bad attitude?

I hope the foot is healing up, Sis. God bless.

Chana said...

Ouch and Amen! This is true and yet still difficult to do. But it's part of the process of dying daily. I know that remembering this helps me as a wife and mother. :o)

Jenifer Harrod said...

I LOVE this!