Thursday, July 7, 2011

blog? I have a blog?

So I've got a hundred things I want to blog about, but when I sit here in front of a blank New Post screen, I freeze. I want to post something relevant, but I worry about offending someone. I want to post something funny, but wonder if it's too silly and frivolous to merit taking up cyberspace. I want to describe something about my wonderful life as a wife and mother in Guatemala, but lament that I can't post a beautiful picture to go with it because our camera is so old and does not give me quality photos. I know, they're all excuses! I need to just quit waiting for the perfect circumstances, and just blog what God lays on my heart. Grainy pictures and all. :o)


Tori Leslie said...

Well I for one have missed your posts and hope this is the beginning of an "emerging from the shadows" for you.

Heard that maybe you'd be back in the states sometime this year. Sure would love to see you folks!

Unknown said...

Thanks, Tori! We would love to see you all as well. We hope to be there sometime in December. Will you still be in the U.S. by then?

DariLolis said...


Elizabeth said...

To echo Tori's words, I too very much miss your posts. They are always so encouraging!!

Hope your pregnancy is going well. :-)

Tammy said...

Well, Amen! Stick to what ya just posted! Have ya seen what gets put on Facebook?! It is often times down right mindless! That's one of the reasons I quit facebook. I miss your posts also, cuz they make me think. My brain needs stirred sometimes even when we don't always agree 100% I do enjoy your posts. The more Bob and I read our Bibles the narrower our minds seem to get.

Wilderness Mama said...

I grew up Baptist and totally LIVED by the "New Testament", so it took me a very long time to see this. I have concluded that the NT is nothing more than Christian commentary, much like the Talmud is Jewish commentary. Every single reference in the NT to the "Scriptures" is referring to the "Old Testament". The NT is simply explaining the Scriptures to new believers and to the Jews explaining how Yeshua is the Messiah. Most of it is right on, but there are a few things that are not verified by "two or three witnesses" and a couple of mistakes in Hebrews!